Udon Entertainment said they will soon have more international personalities depicted in its Manga Biographies series, AnimeNewsNetwork reported. Among those who will next be part of the series include Steve Jobs, Princess Diana, Amelia Earhart, Marie Antoinette, Mother Teresa, Thomas Edison, Wolfgang Mozart, and Momofuku Ando who invented instant noodles.

Udon Entertainment made the above disclosure at the Comic-Con event in San Diego. However, it won’t be until next year that the new biography manga will appear on the scene. More will be added to the biography series at a later date.

The first that would form part of the manga biographies series is titled Manga Biographies: Charles M. Schulz. Penned by Yuzuru Kuki, the manga’s cover illustration is done by Chi-ko. The manga is set to be available starting October 2 though advance copies of the same were already available to buy at the Peanuts booth at San Diego Comic-Con. Charles M. Schulz, for the unversed, is the creator of the comic strip Peanuts and is considered one of the most famous cartoonists of his time.