The popular messaging service Telegram announced it has suspended the accounts of shadow library metasearch engines Z Library and Anna’s Archive citing copyright infringement. When active, Z Library had a huge follower base which grew to more than 630,000 subscribers over time. Subscribers has access to the latest news and developments related to the shadow library via the channel.
Earlier, as TorrentFreak stated, the most that Telegram did was remove a few messages that Z Library shared on the messaging platform on charges of copyright violation. Z Library usually refrained from uploading or posting any direct link to any infringing material on Telegram. Z Library had responded to the development by not including any direct links to its homepage. Rather, it referred to Wikipedia and Reddit pages where the links are present.
However, Telegram has now taken the rather drastic step of removing the channels of both Z Library and Anna’s Library from its platform. Users can no longer view the messages from either of the two shadow libraries. Instead, there is the pop-up box shown carrying the message ‘This channel is unavailable due to copyright infringement.’ While it is not known what prompted Telegram to make the drastic decision, it likely could be based on the same complaint.
Meanwhile, Z Library continues to be in existence in spite of the best efforts of law enforcement agencies. In a move that reflects that spirit, Z Library has already created a new Telegram channel and has also amassed a few hundred subscribers as well. It remains to be seen how Telegram will respond to the development.
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