Google recently launched the Comics hub in Japan which is tailored specifically for manga enthusiasts, TechCrunch reported. Placed prominently at the top and in between the “For You” and “Top Charts” sections, the new Comics hub caters to users in Japan. The section provides access to a rich array of manga and anime content. Besides, the section will also let users to explore new manga titles, anime series, live events, trailers, and so much more, all right from the hub itself.

Another highlight of the new Comics Hub is that it will enable users to sample manga from within the app interface. Put another way, users will be able to read a manga without having to download it first. Apart from this, the hub will also showcase live streams related to manga and anime. Plus, there are also going to be trailers of upcoming manga releases along with recommendations from the editor. That is not all as the hub will also host expert reviews that users can refer to.

“We’re excited to announce our next curated space, ‘Comics’ rolling out in Japan. More than half of the population in Japan reads comics, and many are looking for easier ways to get more of it,” Google Play vice president Sam Bright said.

Google said it collaborated with major publishers such as Kodansha, of “Attack on Titan” fame. The creation of a separate Comics hub in Japan makes sense considering the huge popularity manga enjoys in Japan. The manga market is estimated to be worth a whopping $13.69 billion in 2023 worldwide.