The Winds of Winter has been delayed for 13 years, frustrating many readers. However, George R.R. Martin is angry at himself, too. In a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the author said even he can’t believe he’s taking this long to finish the next instalment of A Song of Ice and Fire. Don’t give up on him or the book just yet because he hasn’t. Even with his other literary and TV projects, Martin says The Winds of Winter is “still a priority.”

As for the sixth book, Martin knows how long he is taking. “Unfortunately, I am 13 years late,” he said. “Whenever I say that, I’m [like], ‘How could I be 13 years late?’ I don’t know; it happens a day at a time.” Martin said, “Many people are already writing obituaries for me. [They’re saying] ‘Oh, he’ll never be finished.’ Maybe they’re right. I don’t know. I’m alive right now! I seem pretty vital!”

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