When Kobo announced its latest range of e-reader devices, it had stated it would be selling replacement parts for the same as well. A bold move that sure is given that no other manufacturer has offered replacement parts for their e-reader devices in recent times. Kobo launched the Kobo Libra Colour, the Kobo Clara Colour, and the Kobo Clara BW in April this year. It had also announced during the launch that the e-readers are repairable, for which it has tied up with iFixit.

The replacement parts too were supposed to be available via iFixit though it has taken this long for Kobo to make available the parts to them. That is probably because the Kobo devices that the parts are meant for are still in warranty and any parts that might be needed are going to be provided by the company free of cost. In any case, once the device goes out of warranty or in the unfortunate scenario of your device requiring repairs which is not covered under warranty terms, you can always get the repairs done by iFixit using genuine parts from Kobo.

Offering the parts for the device owners to get their devices repaired is also a welcome move on the part of Kobo. Not only can it be a more affordable option, but it is also good for the environment as otherwise, the device itself is often resold as refurbished units or ditched altogether which makes it to landfills and other such places. Let’s hope this becomes the industry standard and companies design products right from the beginning keeping in mind the repairability factor. In other words, the products should be designed such that they are easy to repair.

Coming to the individual parts, there are going to be new batteries, motherboards, plastic casings for the front and back of the e-readers, and displays that would be available. Check the iFixit website for the replacement parts, their prices, and availability.

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